Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Makes You YOU ;)

  I find that one of my strangest talents is to be able to look at a surface – a broken mirror, crack in the ground or patterns on a rug – and see a face: it is always something out of the norm - something beautiful. This, as you might imagine, I always kept to myself thinking I must be crazy. Turns out, this is uniqueness and beauty in its own right. ~ Sabrine

What's your strange talent?

Just a Thought......

Go on that journey to find out who you truly are....Strive for success..Love yourself enough to step out your comfort zone and become the greatest you possible!!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Tunnel Vision

                                    This is a must see life changing video I found on Youtube.
                                            Motivational speaker : Eric Thomas

First Photoshoot

A great friend of mine highlighted something to me. "Instead of setting a New Years Resolution, reflect on what you have already done, evaluate and grow from it."~ Alex Pompee

Go Big or Go Home!!!

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living"~ Nelson Mandela