Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Makes You YOU ;)

  I find that one of my strangest talents is to be able to look at a surface – a broken mirror, crack in the ground or patterns on a rug – and see a face: it is always something out of the norm - something beautiful. This, as you might imagine, I always kept to myself thinking I must be crazy. Turns out, this is uniqueness and beauty in its own right. ~ Sabrine

What's your strange talent?


  1. Hey. Love your blog! :)

    Mine? I think I'm a little psychic. Strangest thing. Since I was young, I've always been able to look at a person and know a lot of about them. I never knew if I was right, but sometimes when I would ask, I would be right... or I'll be singing a song... an OLD song that hardly plays anymore and soon as I turn on the radio, it'll be on. Or I will start saying the same thing as someone else at the same time. It's strange. Anyway, your talent is deep and inspiring. - Joe

    1. Joe,

      Sometime we underestimate some of the talents we are given. As I always say, "Jack of all trades and master of none". But they always come in handy at the right time.

  2. hmm..seems like Joe ^^^ and I share the same strangest talent. I believe I have a strong intuition but haven't really tap into its full extent as I would like too. What's stopping me, I have no freaking clue. Definitely something to think about thanks to Sabrine for sharing ya strangest talent.

    1. Starr,

      The thing that stops you is being human. Especially when its a bad intuition. As human, we tend to try to see only the good in people and so neglect seeing the bad. In other words we look at our guess being a 05-50 chase right or wrong--We don't want to be wrong.
